Deafblind Victoria
Deafblind Victoria, or DBV is a self advocacy group run by and for Victorians who are deafblind or who have both vision and hearing impairments. It is a very unique group.
DBV provides the opportunity for people to support each other, share experiences and explore ideas. The group also works towards fostering community and service provider understanding of the experience of deafblindness.
The group aims to:
• Break down barriers that prevent people who are deafblind from having freedom and becoming full and equal members of the community
• Support people who are deafblind to break out of isolation and have better access to services
• Ensure people have access to interpreters and all the supports they need to engage equally with people in their community
• Raise community awareness about the issues faced by people who are deafblind
New members welcome, get in touch!
Check out and support DBV’s popular ‘Deafblind World’ workshop, Auslan t-shirts, and more at their website!
The group meets once a month.
Location: Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne 3000
Email: deafblindadvocacy@gmail.com
Website: https://deafblindvictoria.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dbv2018/